. Mulan, for the urban middle-class Chinese family it is a hamburger and an American coffee consumed whilst strolling through the ruins of China's cultural heritage

, For a full analysis of the anti-Chinese discourse during the exclusion campaign see chapter seven of my Troubadours, Trumpeters, Troubled Makers: Lyricism, Nationalism and Hybridity in China and Its Others

N. C. Durham, See also Ziauddin Sardar, Orientalism, pp.99-103, 1996.

. Mulan and . Walt, Disney Pictures 1998. Voices of Eddie Murphy, Pat Morita

E. Byrne, M. Mcquillan, and D. Disney, , pp.163-165, 1999.

, Byrne and McQuillan see the Disney film as a sop to the Chinese authorities, as a means of gaining a foothold in China, an imbrication of the interests of a Chinese nationalist expansionist discourse of reunification (Taiwan) and of Disney's desire to

, My translation of the last lines of Mulanshi (The Ballad of Mulan). The Chinese text is consultable on

, But let us not forget that lurking behind every battle is a threat to the real world's safety (in Aladdin it's Iraq), 2000.

C. Lee, Mulan: Woman Warrior as Embodied Ambiguity" in Intersections, 2000.

M. Byrne,

. Sardar, Fernand Braudel fell foul of the trap of thinking of pre-modern China as "immobile, pp.74-75, 1993.

F. Chin, The Most Popular Book in China" in Quilt 4 (1984); reproduced in Sau-ling Cynthia Wong Maxine Hong Kingston's The Woman Warrior: A Casebook, pp.27-28, 1999.

, Costume Cuzzins is owned and operated by 6 very resourceful young children all cousins up to age 12! The two oldest children 9 & 12 are already familiar with the "business world" due to their participation in the entertainment industry and working in an "adult" world.? The 4 younger cousins are very instrumental in "product" selection (who better to select children's options for dress-up, play & costumes than children!), and assisted by their Mommy & Helpers, fulfill order processing & shipping concerns, 2000.

, Aladdin, released in 1992, ranked nineteenth in this list of box office receipts, having grossed $217million in the US and $285 million in the rest of the world. These figures do not include video sale receipts and profits from tie, comparison, 2000.

, Beijing: Zhonghua dianying chubanshe, 1998.