, Chan's Canton-San Francisco passage ticket had been converted without his knowing into a Vancouver passage after the passing of the 1882 US Exclusion Law rendered the landing of new immigrants impossible. Chan was later joined by other Chans. with great loss of face, since Louis, had not made good, they were obliged to work for Mr, Chan indeed had frequented Canadian Chinatowns as early as the end of the nineteenth century, vol.1883

L. Chan, CHN, to Can: 1884, Conf, Laundry hand, vol.42, 1858.

L. Chan, CHN, to Can: 1899, Conf, Laundry hand, 1878.

F. Chan, CHN, to Can: 1899, Conf, Laundry hand, vol.36, 1864.

. Chan and . Tong, CHN, to Can: 1899, Conf, Laundry hand, 1879.

G. Chan, CHN, to Can: 1899, Conf, Laundry hand, 1877.

, patriotic" poems around the shame of China reduced to a laundry service for Americans. Moreover, Chan had already been the object of a hatecampaign in England, Chan was averse to laundering and found it as humiliating as the intellectual Chinese poet Wen Yiduo who would construct one of his better known, 1906.

, But Wang Qiming lost his wife to his American business competitor, saw his daughter seduced by a young white high school student, and later become engaged to be married to the same student's father. But while the TV series was necessarily set in New York, Chinese capitalism, the message seemed to be, will be different. But, as China lurched into wild capitalist practices in the late 1990s the effects of Chinese capitalism did nor prove to be different, least of all for women. In capitalist China woman again became a commodity object as feudal attitudes towards women crept back into the male social imaginary. Now a decade and half after Beijingren was screened, there is no longer any need to show the American capitalist model for it has already long since become the Chinese model

, Now 1500 years after Hui Shen's ship sailed to America, Chinese ships queue up in America's ports to deliver the myriad consumer goods manufactured in China to satisfy the American consumer

, So has America Americanized China? Or is America simply becoming the China it has Americanized

B. Gregory and I. Lee,